Hello! ... And how I became The Nutty Inventor
And welcome to The Nutty Inventor’s blog!
This is the story of how I became the nutty inventor. I had served a decent career spanning 2½ decades working in financial services, specifically international payments. But all that ended when I was laid off, and I needed something else to do.
For years I had always wanted to be an inventor, and I had a notebook of things to invent when I retired. Although I was too young to retire, going back to the cubicles just wasn’t as attractive as it used to be. I knew the time was now. A lot of people said I was nuts.
But I went ahead anyway. My first invention was going to be a special electric motor for bicycles. Although I still like it, it would take too long and I needed lots of expensive outside help. So I turned to something I could do on my own, between my kitchen and garage. It was the oldest invention on my list, from my days as a single dad, sending PB & J’s with my 3 boys for their school lunches.
After a lot of experimentation (and sandwiches), … Eureka! I made it work. The Peanut Butter Pump was born! It wasn’t easy: I could go on and on about the challenges, but that’s for another post. But at the same time I was working on the pump, I spent a lot of time in the peanut butter aisle (measuring jars with calipers, comparing lids from one brand to another, and generally being one of the weirder people lurking in late-night supermarkets) and I always sped by the natural peanut and almond butters. Although I loved the taste, I hated the work of stirring them.
And then it hit me: I was already working to make regular peanut butter easier for millions of people, why couldn’t I take the work away from natural peanut butter too? That’s how the NutterNado was born.
But now I needed money to make it work, to come out of the kitchen and like Pinocchio become an inventor in the real world. So I turned to crowdfunding, but I had to choose only one of my inventions: the NutterNado was easier to make and explain, but the Peanut Butter Pump was a way better invention. The rest is history: the pump was a crowdfunding sensation, took me from blogs to radio to national TV, and will be manufactured and sent to backers in January. Peanut Butter will never be the same again.
With a story like that, how could I call myself anything else? The Nutty Inventor was a perfect fit. Maybe the craziest thing of all is that the domain name was just sitting there waiting for me. And that’s why this website and blog is called … The Nutty Inventor.
Thanks for reading! And thanks for all your support!